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Bad Breath in Kids... Fix it Now!

Several spices such as garlic and onion contain pungent oil that when digested, is mixed through the bloodstream and expelled by the lungs and through the mouth creating nasty-smelling breath. Using alcohol-based mouthwash often bring bad result than good. Since alcohol causes the mouth to try, and bacteria thrives on try mouth, VSCs can easily breed and cause chronic bad breath. Quit smoking, stop drinking coffee and soda, and avoid foods that can cause you that foul smell such as cabbage, onion, and garlic. Switch to tea. Eat fruits and vegetables that contain natural fiber. Also, you can make your own toothpaste and mouthwash. A mixture of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part salt is an effective alternative for toothpaste. Halitophobia, an interesting condition is marked by the presence of compulsive ideas that constantly plague the thoughts of a person, for whether he truly has bad breath or not. In fact, this imagined condition is graver than normal bad breath since patients of this disorder are likely to contemplate on suicides. You would not only be able to maintain a good set of teeth but you could also be able to prevent yourself from developing nasty mouth smell. Dental plaques are often the culprit since they harbor the bacteria. These could be best removed using dental flosses that would be able to creep into the deepest crevices of the teeth. Hydrogen peroxide and water. Mixing 1 part of water with 1 part hydrogen peroxide (3%) makes an effective bad breath remedy. This cleanses the mouth and kills the bacteria that cause bad odor. There is another way to use hydrogen peroxide as bad breath remedy particularly if sinus infection is the reason for foul odor. They contain natural antibiotics that sweeten and detoxify your breath. Chew fresh parsley as often as you can. (Chewing increases saliva production and flow, thus chewing also helps cure bad breath.) Aloe vera on the other hand can be made as mouthwash. Mix 2 tsp. of aloe vera juice to 24 ounces of water and gurgle it in your mouth. 

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