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How to get rid of bad breath

It's worth repeating that the major cause of bad breath is the decay of a teeth or unfortunately, the host of them. These play as good breeding grounds along with the spaces between them, for the anaerobic bacteria that produce VSCs. VSCs are volatile sulfuric compounds that are agents in creating tinges of foul odor in our mouth. We emphasize on the word "mouth" since there is the common notion that bad breath starts from dirty teeth. As was mentioned, bad breath is caused by bacteria harboring in dry mouth. The distinct bad breath odor is caused by VSCs or volatile sulphur compounds. VSCs are produced when anaerobic bacteria breeding on the surface of the tongue, in between teeth, and the spaces of the tongue break down of sugar and protein that are actually This is the reason why the whole mouth should be cleaned and not only the teeth. To refresh your memory, here are bad breath prevention tips and facts to remember. Maintaining a good oral hygiene can prevent bad breath A good oral hygiene starts the moment you develop your first set of teeth. Although you cannot bring back that time, it is not too late you to begin taking care of your teeth. Expect a little burning, it is normal. Do this 2 times a day until the infection is gone. Baking soda and water. A pinch of baking soda mixed with water is another effective and inexpensive way to treat bad breath. Aloe vera and water. Extract aloe vera juice and mix it with water. The right proportion would be 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice is to 12 ounces of water. Secondly, nature is the best resource for the most effective treatments for bad breath and other health conditions. After all, everything created was good. The fact that the Creator was pleased with his art must show us that His products are second to none. And so, we now give you some of your options for treating bad breath using herbs. Without making the trips with your dentist, you can try the following test to see if you have symptoms of bad breath. One of the common exercises is through licking your tongue into your clean wrist. Smell the trace of smell after 45 seconds. If you have noticed bad smell then it might be due to bad breath. 

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