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COVID-19: Managing Your Asthma

For more information on what you can do to make living with asthma and avoiding asthma attacks much easier, check the Internet and various online communities. A simple Internet search will reveal tons of tips and advice that will make living with asthma a breeze. You ll also be able to communicate with other asthma sufferers, who will offer support and help from a first-hand point of view. Learn more about living with asthma, and learn that life doesn t have to change. Living with asthma absolutely does not mean living with breathing difficulties all the time, every single day. Many asthma sufferers manage their condition through medication very easily. Your doctor can talk to you more about asthma medication, and you ll find that your local pharmacist is always willing to answer questions you may have about any type of medicine. This includes the ability to carry out daily living as usual such as work or school, exercise, and also to help with the wheeziness and interrupted sleep due to excessive coughing. Also to try to prevent acute attacks therefore removing the need to go to casualty to get the asthma back in order. Causes of Asthma The main causes of Asthma can be attributed to certain things that can cause a reaction with Asthma, These include hereditary, which will make you more likely to develop a chronic Asthma, Allergies, dust mites and some animal fur and cigarette smoke. Over time it is more than likely your needs will change. THE TWO MEDICINES: There are two medications for most people grappling with asthma. Each medication treats only one aspect of the disease. 1) Controllers or Preventers: these reduce inflammation in the air passages. These should be taken each day. One you get into the regular routine of taking your medication, living with asthma is no problem at all. Taking a few extra steps, like eliminating smoke from the home or controlling the dust mite population, makes living with asthma worry-free. Asthma is not curable, and scientists are still unsure as to what, exactly, causes this condition. Weather and atmospheric conditions can affect how easy you breathe so pay attention to forecasts. Living with asthma is much easier when smoke is eliminated from the home and work place, as well. If at all possible, avoid smoke at work and don t allow smoking at all within the home. When living with asthma, it s almost impossible to breathe easy if there s any kind of smoke around. 

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