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5 Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma Issues | Sadhguru

Also to try to prevent acute attacks therefore removing the need to go to casualty to get the asthma back in order. Causes of Asthma The main causes of Asthma can be attributed to certain things that can cause a reaction with Asthma, These include hereditary, which will make you more likely to develop a chronic Asthma, Allergies, dust mites and some animal fur and cigarette smoke. Any of these can bring on an attack and if your teen is still coughing a lot after the illness has gone then it will probably be asthma. Sports Many professional athletes have asthma, for an excellent sport for people suffering with asthma try swimming the moist warm air makes it easier to for your teenager to breath. You don t have to get rid of your pets, even if pet dander posing some breathing problems. Regularly washing fabrics in the home (like bed linens) can help reduce both dust mites and pet dander. Keep your pets clean and well-groomed, and keep the home free of dust and other airborne particles by maintaining a regular cleaning schedule. Triggers in your pet may include: -Dander (skin) -Saliva -Urine/Feces -Other secretions And it s not just cats or dogs that are prime candidates for the asthmatic. Other animals that pose a risk are: -Gerbils -Hamsters -Birds -Mice/Rats -Rabbits -Guinea pigs -Horses Surprisingly, even an animal you don t keep in the house, like horses can produce devastating attacks. Carefully: Don t ever stray too far from medical attention or from a person who could get you there and knows what symptoms to look for. Always remember to carry ventelin or albuterol or whatever steroid it is you use, and always keep a spare on hand in the event you run out. Judiciously: Judge all tasks not based on how much you want to do them, but how difficult it will be to complete. Different sufferers have different medication but generally you have a preventive inhaler that works long term, and an emergency inhaler that opens the airways in an attack this is called the quick relief. Long-term inhalers help to prevent attacks and make them milder in the long term. However if you are having an attack you need the emergency inhaler that will open your airways and let you breath more easily. 

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