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Understanding Asthma Treatments

Causes of Asthma The main causes of Asthma can be attributed to certain things that can cause a reaction with Asthma, These include hereditary, which will make you more likely to develop a chronic Asthma, Allergies, dust mites and some animal fur and cigarette smoke. But there is no know main cause. Helpful Hints You can buy both mattress and pillow protectors that will take away the threat of dust mites in the bed, thus giving you a better chance of a good nights sleep. THE GREEN ZONE: This is the ideal place to be. No symptoms, you are able to stretch yourself to the limits of your abilities, participate in normal, everyday activities, and even exert yourself to perform at your peak physical limits for decent periods of time. School or work isn t, at this point, posing a problem and your sleep is uninterrupted through the night. The actual diagnosis of asthma is something much greater than just a little coughing and should be taken very seriously. There are many types of asthma but the medical definition is "a disease of the windpipe (bronchial tubes) which carry air to and from the lungs." Asthma has no set diagnosis; the journey from first warning sign symptoms to a full blown diagnosis of asthma is long and complicated. A number of factors play in to the exercise-induced asthma: - Length of time exercising - Allergens, air pollution, or other triggers present - Humidity - Temperature However, a decision to NOT exercise is not a wise idea. Benefits of exercise include: - Heart/Lung efficiency - Strength/endurance - Flexibility/posture - Ability to relax while at rest You should always talk to your doctor if you are unsure whether the asthma symptoms are exercise-induced or not. Doctors define asthma as chronic inflammatory disease of the airway that causes many symptoms including: - Shortness of breath - Chronic cough - Wheezing - Tightness in the chest With these symptoms or their early onset a doctor is able to conduct lung-function tests. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to assist in the conclusive determination as to whether the disease is present or not. It s important to breathe easy in the home above all, so get into the groove of cleaning and be free of dust mites and other airborne irritants. Sometimes, even outside pollen can affect asthma symptoms. It may be best to stay indoors, with central air conditioning, on high-pollen days. Weather and atmospheric conditions can affect how easy you breathe so pay attention to forecasts. 

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