Reflexology is not for everybody though, those with severe skin and irregular circulatory conditions, and foot and hand trauma are not advised to undergo reflexology treatments. Skin conditions include severe dermatitis and similar infections. Circulatory conditions include severe varicosities and its other forms. Aside from promoting health, the relaxation offered by reflexology can also restore the blood circulation to your aching feet. And when done the right way, this can bring in a relaxing state that can be felt in all parts of the body. Is massage and reflexology similar? Some would say that reflexology bears some similarity with massage. These instruments allow better movement for the massager's hands and prevent sprain and injury. Some reflexologists have reluctantly quit their clinical sessions due to the injuries caused by repeated arm and wrist movements. Marma points are widely used in the Indian concept of reflexology. Much like the acupuncture and pressure points in Chinese and Western reflexology, marma points pertain to the vulnerable energy spots in one's body that is pressed to detoxify and rejuvenate. This is often the go-to procedure that is looking for an immediate relief from stress and aches of the body. On the assertion that reflexology can also help arrest and counter some health conditions and illnesses, it is believed that the effects are not clear. There are still some studies and verifications that need to be done in order to establish the efficacy of reflexology in addressing diseases and other health concerns. It could be borne out of a heart disease or illness or of complications from other diseases which disrupts the body's pumping organ. Heart or chest pain can be felt in various forms. Palpitations or a string of continuous loud thudding are irregular forceful beatings of the heart. This is often felt by people with coronary artery disease. In human anatomy, the gall bladder is indeed located inside the liver. The point of the solar plexus is also located in the middle of the diaphragm which is also the same positioning in an actual human body. The entirety of the stomach's pressure points houses the pressure points of these other digestive system organs such as the spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, kidneys, and appended on the lower part of it is the pressure point of the colon and small intestines.
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