Just as the quantity of magnets matters, the strength is very important as well. And finally, for added comfort it would be best to have a piece of cloth or fabric that is wrapped a round the area where you will be placing the magnet onto. There are still a lot to be learned about magnet therapy. Its application to practical medicine still receives frowns and smirks from some members of the medical community. Strong magnets For sufferers of brain tumors, it is beneficial to sleep with the south-pointing pole of a strong magnet close to the top of the head, especially when they are elderly or with deteriorating brain functions. (One should sleep with the head toward the magnetic north in a bed that is not made of anything that can be magnetized. The cells would release more toxins. 5. In addition to toxins that the body would shed because of magnetic therapy, you could also shed some pounds while on therapy. 6. Toxins and body waste are expelled by the body regularly since magnet therapy could improve bowel movements. 7. There are also several patients who testified that magnet therapy was able to lessen their stress levels. ) Check your pulse to see which pole is suited. Apply the south-pointing pole to the right side of the neck to lower your blood pressure. To raise it, apply the north-pointing pole to the same area. Check with your local magnet healer to know the other correct methods on the use of either magnet poles in different illnesses. In the medical profession, doctors have been skeptical about the magnets having any therapeutic value. Theoretical claims The claim that magnets can heal have not been scientifically proven since. However, there are theories that magnets (they call them biomagnets ) do not necessarily heal but it can stimulate the body to heal naturally. What we use in magnet healing is magnets with 400 to 1000 gauss. We need to use stronger magnets since it is important to reach organs and different elements like boron, cobalt and samarium. With magnetic healing, the magnets are in close contact with the problem area. Injuries, pain and inflammation can be a cause of electromagnetic induction.
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