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Magnetic therapy application of 3D pulsed magnetic field AL115-3D-combi-2


Most of the people today who seek medical attention shy away from invasive procedures like operations. This is why alternative treatments like the use of magnets are becoming more and more popular. Basically what the magnet does is realign or correct the electromagnetic impulses of the body which had been put into disarray the moment the body gets sick. For back pains, have four magnets about one and a half inches on either side of the spine, two on each side. If the magnets are cumbersome to put on and remove, have a three to four-inch ceramic strip magnet or magnetic back brace on your back instead. Headaches can be solved with tape magnets to your temples or to the back of your head (just above the neck). Correct pole Typically, the south-pointing pole is placed on a painful, inflamed or infected part of the body. The north-pointing pole, on the other hand, is used if the body area is weak. However, this weakness may be caused by a chronic infection or inflammation. It can still improve with the south-pointing pole. There are studies conducted in National Institute of Mental Health along with national Institute of Neurological Disorders and stroke and National Institute for Health on how repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) was able to improve the mood of several patients. In fact, there is a middle-aged patient who reported an improvement in her disposition, something she has not experienced for the last three years. It could also be the cause for fat accumulation and weight gain. The use of magnets in specific areas of the body could release these positive charges and return the body to its alkaline stage. The blood would have better circulation, which would allow more oxygenated cells to flow in the body. This could result into better sleep, clearer mental focus and activity, reduce inflammation and lessen or totally remove pain. By using two kinds of magnetic polarity, a magnetic field is created strong enough to go inside the body or affected area to induce treatment. Using the right magnets for magnet therapy and positioning them in the correct areas can easily help aching feet, arthritic fingers and joins, back pains and even headaches. 

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