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"Reverse" Goal Setting Technique

Set measurable, realistic, specific, achievable, timely and practical goals for the sports team. Make sure these goals are put up in a simplified and easily comprehensible manner that the team as w hole would not ever forget especially during the ardent, tedious and hard practice sessions, when patience is utmost needed and required from each team member. Just like how employee goals are made achievable, they should also be made realistic so the attainable ends would be realized by the completion or realization of the employee goal. Timely The employee goals should also be set with definite and objective deadlines or time frames. Be reminded that sometimes, deadlines are necessary because they encourage activity and productivity. It is very common to read from many sources that in order to be effective, a person's goal planning should be listed down. Be it a personal goal, career or professional goal, and even business planning, bringing this down into a paper will the practitioner to see the planned goal factually. But some important aspect of this "writing" process is omitted. You would certainly prove to yourself that doing so would never be a waste of time and would help you achieve more determinedly your desired outcome. Know yourself better. Be sincere and honest when you think of yourself, your ability, your talent, your skill and your capacity. By so doing, you would be able to avoid the trap of overestimating or either underestimating yourself. Setting Performance Goals Toward Realistic Planning Setting performance goals is essential in achieving your goals. This is where you put all the factors in place, to make sure that a general goal is achievable and doable. However, depending on what kind of goal is your general or ultimate goal, there are a few variations that you can use in setting the performance goals. Maybe you're having trouble in assessing the growth of your company. Or even worse, you don't where is the company heeding. If this is happening to you, the only reason for this is that you haven't come up with a business goal setting program. Maybe you're a top executive for a big company and you're having trouble projecting yourself with others, and not in good terms with your colleagues. 

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