The acidity and hardness of the water should also be kept at an optimum level. For discus fish, the optimum water acidity would be a pH level of 6. Remember these tips and you can be sure that you will be able to take good care of your discus fish. These tips will serve as your guide in owning or keeping discus fish in your aquarium. This is why you should try feeding your discus fish a few times each day. However, you may want to prevent over feeding them. The rule in feeding discus fish is to not feed them more than 5 times a day and less than 3 times a day. You should also keep in mind that discus fish may acquire different kinds of diseases. In most cases, poor water quality is often the reason why people have difficulty in keeping Discus Fish. When it comes to water quality, try to think where the fish originated. Discus Fish originated in the waters of Brazil, which is soft and acidic. So, you have to replicate the water quality in Brazil in your fish tank if you are going to keep a Discus Fish or any other fish found in Brazil. But, in time, with proper research you will discover that discus fish keeping is very rewarding and easy. So here we go. You need to have an adequately sized tank. Discus fishes can grow big, as compared to other fishes when they reach their adulthood. Normally, they can grow to about six or seven inches. The water temperature, acidity, and hardness should be stable enough and it should mimic the water in a discus fish s natural environment. You should also keep the water clean. So, try to change 50 percent of the water at least once a week and make sure that whenever you feed your discus fish, you need to clean or remove uneaten fish food. This will simply subject your discus fish with high levels of stress, which will eventually mean that they will be more prone to sickness. Lastly, make sure that the fish tank resembles the natural environment where they lived before. So, avoid putting plastic mermaids and castle decorations. Instead, try to put rocks and a couple of driftwood as this will mimic their natural environment where they will be more at ease.
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