Another great fish that can complement your discus fish is the Blue Ram, which is a beautiful dwarf cichlid. This fish will go well with your discus fish and it can further enhance the overall look of your aquarium. These are some of the fish species that can go well with your discus fish. By keeping these things in mind, you will be able to have an idea what kind of fish species to get to accompany your discus fish in the aquarium. Many of these secrets are open secrets and can be easily learned from a multitude of sources. There are many books that can share these secrets with you and this is due to the rising popularity of the discus fish as an aquarium pet. Some people may find keeping discus fish very difficult while some find it easy, but it s all about discovering these secrets which spell the difference, and one of the biggest secrets is the environment which the discus fish lives in. By learning about the different kinds of diseases that may affect your discus fish, you will be able to tell if your discus fish already has the disease and also know how to treat them. Basically, one of the most common problems among discus fish is having a hole in the head. Early detection is essential in order for you to treat them effectively. Discus fish love to dine on worms. You should feed them bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. However, these foods may carry parasites and bacteria that can infect your discuss fish. So, be careful when feeding worms to your discus fish. You should also keep in mind that discus fish are very reactive with their environment. Before anything else, there are many advantages in owning a pet fish. First you won t need to take them for walks, you don t have to give them baths, they don t demand much attention, and you don t really have to clean up after them after every while. Yes they still need some looking after but not as much as compared to our canine and feline friends. All you have to do is go to a pet shop and buy a breeding pair. This can set you back about 300 dollars. But you can be sure that one is a male and one is a female. If you want to save some money, but you can t really be sure tht they would breed, is to buy baby discus fish, about six to eight of them.
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