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Discus Jumping Out of Aquarium || Discus Fish Facts

Don t put any gravel or sand inside your tank, this will make it easier for you to clean your tank from leftover food. Just place inside a vertical surface where your discus fish can spawn. You can use an upside down pot made from ceramic, or a plant. IT is imperative that you check on the water from time to time for rise in the water temperature and ammonia level. You have to at least change 50 percent of the water once a week and you have to make sure that the PH level is also stable. For Discus Fish, the ideal water temperature is between 82 and 86 degrees F and the hardness should be between 3 and 15dH. The PH level should be between 5 and 6.5. These are the things that you need to remember about Discus Fish. Some people may find keeping discus fish very difficult while some find it easy, but it s all about discovering these secrets which spell the difference, and one of the biggest secrets is the environment which the discus fish lives in. First off, you need to know that the discus fish has a shy character. You can use a water heater in your tank to keep the water temperature stable and you should also invest in a water thermometer in order for you to constantly monitor the temperature. The environment in the aquarium should mimic the natural habitat of the discus fish. You should put in logs, rocks, plants and other spots where the discus fish can hide in or shelter in. However, before you actually consider breeding your discus fish, you need to remember that breeding them can be a challenge. When it comes to breeding discus fish, there are several things that you need to keep in mind in order for you to successfully breed discus fish in your aquarium. Also, it is very important to be familiar with the behavior of the discus fish especially when they are mating or starting to breed. Fishes tend to be fast and moving all the time. So this may cause a lot of problem. But, if you are determined to become a breeder, then use these tips to help you out. Determining the gender of your discus fish will help you to pair them equally. Too many male fishes and they tend to fight, and you may lose your fishes, too much female and then the pairing will be set off. 

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