They will be stressed out and with high levels of stress, the more chances that your Discus Fish will get sick. This means that you have to have a large aquarium in order for you to keep Discus Fish, especially if you are planning on keeping more than two. You also have to remember that if you want to keep your Discus Fish happy, you have to keep at least 6 Discus Fish together in the same aquarium. The breeding tube can be found between the anal fin and the anus. Some breeders say that the female discus fish have a more vibrant color, but there are fewer patterns. It s never easy to find the sex of an animal when they are small, especially when they are fishes. Fishes tend to be fast and moving all the time. If the quarantined fish do not show any signs of illness after two or three weeks in the quarantine tank, you can introduce them to the main tank. Also, you should keep in mind that discus fish thrives in tropical waters. So, keep the water temperature in your tank between 84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Some use certain plants while some say that an overturned pot will do. Do vary the diet of your discus fish. When your fish are breeding, a varied diet is important to boost their reproductive system upping their chances of spawning. Aside from the pellets and granules, you can also feed the breeders bloodworms and brine, fresh or frozen as discus fish are carnivorous fishes. This is not to dissuade you; fish owners know how rewarding an aquarium can be. To many, this relieves stress effectively. So if you plan on getting some discus fish or have already purchased some, here are some tips on how to keep the environment suitable for the discus fish. Firstly though, don t be dissuaded when people say that discus fish keeping is difficult, frankly speaking it can be, but only to those who do not exert the effort to learn. Basic Care Tips for Discus Fish Before you go out and buy a discus fish in your nearest pet store, you need to remember that discus fish are very sensitive when it comes to water condition and food quality. Discus fish are quite expensive and you wouldn t want to buy one if you don t know how to take care of it.
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