With these tips, you will be able to know how to buy a Discus Fish, which is very important in order for you to avoid wasting your money. First of all, when buying a Discus Fish, you have to remember that a healthy Discus Fish should look healthy. Discus Fish that tends to stay on top of the tank or near the surface is a sure sign that they are sick. You need to be able to mimic the waters of the Amazon River in order for you to properly care for your discus fish. This means that the water should have an acidity level of pH 6 and it should also be soft water. These are the things that you need to remember when you are planning to keep discus fish as pets. This means that they are getting ready to breed. You have to keep an eye on the mating pair as you will need to move them in to the breeding tank. In order for the breeding to be successful, you have to get a separate tank for the breeding pair. By getting a separate breeding tank, you will free the breeding pair from stress. Give this medication to your discus fish once every 3 days. Usually, discus fish will respond well to heat treatment in combination with the medication treatment. Gill fluke is another disease common among discus fish. Although this will not really affect adult discus fish, it can cause huge problems for discus fry and juvenile discus fish. With more discus fish in your aquarium, they will be less prone to misbehaving. You have to keep in mind that lonely discus fish tend to be aggressive to their own kind as well as to other species of fish. Getting a discus fish in groups will also ensure breeding, which will eventually increase the population of discus fish in your aquarium. This is why you have to consider the size of the tank where you intend on keeping your Discus Fish. You have to try getting the largest aquarium that you possibly can in order for you to easily maintain the water quality. You may already know about the nitrogen cycle. You need to consider the fact that this is very important whenever you intend on keeping any kind of fish in a fish tank or aquarium.
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