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Thousands of Discus at this Professional Hatchery.

You have to note though that there are certain tank requirements for a particular breed of fish. With the discus fish, you will have two main concerns, and this is its depth and volume. The depth and the volume of the tank will be based not only on the size of the fish, but also on the swimming habits of the discus fish. Basically, taking care of discus fish is not that hard. Although first timers will find it difficult to care for discus fish, you will soon get the hang of it and start taking care of discus fish easily. You have to remember that discus fish need very specific living conditions and diets. Many fish enthusiasts even say that beginners should not attempt to take care of this kind of fish as it will just frustrate them especially if they don t know what they are doing. Doing so will cause too much plant expansion, which will scale back the oxygen concentration inside the fish tank. You should also avoid placing the tank in areas in your home that gets too much traffic. This will simply subject your discus fish with high levels of stress, which will eventually mean that they will be more prone to sickness. They are very beautiful and you will find that almost every aquarium owner around the country would like to keep this kind of fish in their aquarium. However, with their beauty, you will find that they come with a high price. You have to remember that Discus Fish are very temperamental creatures. They are very sensitive when it comes to water quality as well as with the food you feed them. And, as you can imagine, chlorine is a chemical that is not good for discus fish. Today, there are available test kits that you can use to test the water if these chemicals are present in the water and also how much of it is present in the water. Water conditioning is the process of removing these chemicals from the water. So this may cause a lot of problem. But, if you are determined to become a breeder, then use these tips to help you out. Determining the gender of your discus fish will help you to pair them equally. Too many male fishes and they tend to fight, and you may lose your fishes, too much female and then the pairing will be set off. 

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