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DISCUS FISH TANK MATES : Most suitable tank mates

So, make sure that you have at least 6 discus fish swimming around in your aquarium in order to keep them happy and prevent them from getting lonely. With more discus fish in your aquarium, they will be less prone to misbehaving. You have to keep in mind that lonely discus fish tend to be aggressive to their own kind as well as to other species of fish. You need to remember that the longer the disease exists in the discus fish, the most probable it will be that the disease may cause its death. You have to keep in mind that even if the fish heals after the treatment, the wound can leave a permanent scar, which can significantly have an effect on the overall appearance of the fish, especially on discus fish. They are considered by a lot of people as one of the most fascinating fish species that you can ever have. Discus Fish are so beautiful that because of the demand for it in the market, one Discus Fish alone can cost you hundreds of dollars. At an average, you will also find shops that offer cheaper prices for Discus Fish. If your breathing in thick smog all the time then it s a certainty that you would get sick, maybe develop cancer, or even choke to death in an instant. So, in maintaining the water of your tank, you not only need to keep it clean, you also have to get the right pH levels and the proper temperature which will simulate the waters where the discus fish came from, which is the Amazon river. Several Tips to Take Care of Your Discus Fish Discus fish are considered to be one of the most beautiful types of fishes that you can keep as pets in your aquarium. However, you will find that keeping them can present you with a challenge. You have to remember that discus fish are very sensitive when it comes to the water quality they live in as well as the food you feed them. When it comes to breeding discus fish, there are several things that you need to keep in mind in order for you to successfully breed discus fish in your aquarium. Also, it is very important to be familiar with the behavior of the discus fish especially when they are mating or starting to breed. The first thing that you have to consider is the fish tank. 

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