However, folding treadmills are more expensive that their non-folding counterparts. Equipment that requires larger space is elliptical trainers. This machine gives you the advantage of upper and lower body workout which is an excellent overall exercise. The least equipment that requires space is the stationary bikes. It does not create too much pressure on the joints but still burns enough calories while helping the lungs and the heart. Treadmill can still offer an intense workout for seniors without pressuring the ankles, hips and knees. Aside from treadmills, recumbent cycles are another favourite among seniors. The usual misconception is that the tool is primarily designed to facilitate an upper-body workout. In reality, rowing machines are actually advanced cardiovascular exercise machines. You would be required to use more muscle groups. Hence, you could burn more calories. The common setback is that extra weight brings about back pain. If you do not enjoy using any of those, you may take a look at alternative or less popular cardio exercise equipments around. Stair masters are actually more like treadmills. The only difference is that stair masters are used to facilitate climbing motion of your legs. Efficiency is easily achieved because the body weight is used to further push the steps down. Thus, there could be numerous of them by now. Here are the ones you could easily find. The treadmill burns the greatest amount of calories compared to other cardio exercise equipment around. Simply by walking briskly, you could already burn up to 100 calories per mile. What s more ideal about this tool is that the speed could be adjusted to various levels for better outcomes. You are given the chance to manipulate the level of your workout by adjusting the resistance and speed. This feature is present on the various types of the stair climber. The version which is cylinder driven comes in a less expensive price. In this version resistance is produced via hydraulic fluid or air and a knob is turned to adjust the resistance level.
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