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Bad breath - How to prevent or treat it?

Drinking a hot cup of tea can remedy bad breath caused by dry mouth or morning breath. Spoon Well if you don t bother to do anything to remedy your bad breath, but you don t have a tongue cleaner, then why not use a tablespoon? It works fine in scraping that white/whitish thing off your tongue. Pineapple juice If you are bothered with the garlic after taste, drinking pineapple juice will work for you. Such disease include kidney failure, lung liver failure, lung infection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia, Smoking tobacco products, eating certain foods such as onion and garlic, drinking soda and coffee, and using mouthwash with too much alcohol content can cause bad breath as well. Make visit to the doctor a regular habit. Children at their early age develop fear with dentist. To avoid it, introduce your child as early as 1 year old. Maintain a family dentist so that your child can build a trust to him. A good relationship between your child and his dentist will ensure that he maintains a good dental health. If the material produces a brownish color, you are almost sure of having bad breath yet if the color is not too obvious, you can try smelling the gathering after quite a few seconds. So much for the alternative methods of checking for bad breath, we now move on to some of the natural remedies that you could use in curing this condition. When a person does not brush his teeth and tongue as often as he should, floss at least once a day, and use an oral antiseptic, food particles that remain in the mouth and in between teeth will emit hydrogen sulfur vapors and bacteria. Hydrogen sulfur vapors produce a rotten-egg like odor which causes bad breath. Anaerobic bacteria, by their nature, can have optimized survival when they are in environments with lesser oxygen level. Thus, when the mouth dries due to mouth breathing and several medical conditions that brings about the same effects, they are likely to multiply and spread more. This would likely end up with higher release of volatile sulfur compounds that, as we have already mentioned, are agents for releasing foul odor through the process of disintegrating chemical compounds and mouth debris. 

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