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What happens during an asthma attack?

Cockroaches can also be a big trigger and you should clean any areas where food and drink has been prepared to make sure they don t pay a visit. Pets can trigger asthma and it is better if you do not have any pets if you are a sufferer, but if you do have pets take as many precautions as you can, keep the pet outside if possible and never let pets in the bedroom. THE RED ZONE: Excessive coughing, wheezing, tightness in the chest or labored breathing. You find yourself gasping for air, sweating, you have unattribuited anxiety, decreased activity level, your reliever medication isn't working, you've even got blue lips or fingernails. You need to get help immediately. To make living with asthma a breath of fresh air, you ll want to talk with other asthma suffers, and learn all you can about your condition. Communicating with others is a good way to learn what you can do to make living with asthma pain-free and stress-free for everyone, including those people who live in the home that don t suffer from asthma. Dust mites congregate in soft-surfaced places and feed off shed human skin often found in bedding, pillows, sofas, and carpeting. Cockroaches, not only one of the most reviled pests of all time, also give asthmatics trouble. Their feces and presence incites symptoms. Something less provocative but no less dangerous for people living with asthma are symptom triggers. If you have any questions or concerns about your medication, talk to your neighborhood pharmacist or look for information online. Use the resources that you have to learn all your can about asthma, your asthma medication, and what you can do to help you breathe easy in spite of asthma. There are other ways to help you breathe easy, even when living with asthma. -Shield your mattress and pillows in allergen-proof covers. -Clean all areas the pet travels often using a vacuum with HEPA (high-efficiency particular air) filter. -Use a HEPA air purifier in the bedroom. -Don t allow your pet in the bedroom. Also, keep it off upholstered furniture, carpet, or other soft surfaces where allergens accumulate. 

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