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What's normal anxiety -- and what's an anxiety disorder? | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter

The Search for Facts Seeking information of any kind can be quite interesting simply because of the vast amount of information that is out there. It is important to remember to check sources and find multiple avenues of seeking out information on panic attack and other issues. Getting the information is the easy part; finding out whether the information is true or not is quite another thing altogether. While there are many therapies and medications available on the market, here are a few common options for panic attack treatment: Behavior Therapy This therapy helps to gain control over an individual behavior. Here the individual learn to cope with difficult situations through controlled exposure to the problems. This fear can range from not being able to travel a few hours away from the home, all the way down to not being able to leave your home all together. An agoraphobia panic attack is basically an attack that occurs when an agoraphobic attempts to go beyond their safe boundaries. The problem with treating an agoraphobia panic attack is that the only real way to overcome the attack is for the person to attempt to push their limits. Shortness of Breath Shortness of breath is another anxiety attack symptom that is seen a lot because of someone feeling panicked due to other symptoms they are experiencing. The shortness of breath can seem like your world is caving in, but by being able to recognize the symptom as part of an anxiety attack, you can more easily control this. In most cases the reasons behind these attacks can be distinguished and the panic sufferer can begin to build towards a solution. Prevention Works As with any other type of attack, the best thing for a nocturnal panic attack is prevention. Anyone who experiences frequent nocturnal panic attack episodes should begin to question their nightly regiment before they go to bed. This was said to evolve from early human types that either fled danger or took it on if they could. Fight or flight generates a lot of biological processes because of the energy the body needs to perform either task. The heart races, the blood quickens, the eyes function differently, senses are heightened, and other parts of the body begin to react in other ways such as muscles tightening, etc. 

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