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OCD and Anxiety Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #29

Other times the anxiety comes quickly and without warning and for no reason at all. Anxiety can Affect your Relationships An anxiety disorder is a more disabling feeling of anxiety that actually is constant and consuming. Anxiety disorder causes people to completely withdraw emotionally and often physically from their family and friends. There are many side effects to antidepressants that are undesirable and difficult to live with. Aside from behavioral therapies, antidepressants are the one chemical way to help people control their panic disorders. However, there are ways to help control this with a panic attack natural remedy. Calming herbs such as lavender, valerian and passion flower and have been used successfully at the onset of a panic attack. Along with the various medications, the scientists also have discovered the possibility to reserve these symptoms now, with the modern science and technology. Now, all we need to do is to learn to recognize these symptoms and consult the doctor as soon as possible. As any other disorder or illness, treated in time, it can be almost always treated successfully. If you are one of the three million Americans who have had multiple panic attacks, you should know that there are ways to control panic attack symptoms. The symptoms are similar to a heart attack, and a sensation that you have lost touch with reality and an impending dread often accompanies the physical symptoms. It is very common for those with major depression to also have panic attacks and elevated anxiety levels. Because panic can mimic other disorders, such as hypoglycemia, heart problems, asthma and many more serious conditions, sufferers who have not been diagnosed with panic disorder can feel afraid and tentative about their health. An agoraphobia panic attack is basically an attack that occurs when an agoraphobic attempts to go beyond their safe boundaries. The problem with treating an agoraphobia panic attack is that the only real way to overcome the attack is for the person to attempt to push their limits. This is the reason why many agoraphobics tend to get worse before they get better. 

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