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Amazon Natives Making Homemade Acai Berry Juice

Beat your Thirst and Replenish your Health with the Acai Berry Juice With its growing demand and its inability to stay fresh for more than three days, many health technicians have found that it is virtually impossible to spread the nutritional goodness of acai berries around the world without losing what matters most, its health value. This only goes to show that acai berry capsules are highly beneficial to the human body. These health benefits are derived from the fact that acai berry capsules contain a pure powder form of the fruit which in turn contains many essential vitamins, fiber, omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, amino acids and much more. Second Myth: If the Acai Berry is so good, then why is it just being sold now and why haven t we heard about it before? The answer to this is simple. Because the acai berry has a short shelf life, it wasn t viable before to take it out from the Amazon jungle where it naturally grows. But because modern science has allowed for different processes to convert the fruit into different forms without losing its natural health benefits, we are now able to enjoy the benefits this fruit can provide. By just mixing it with cool water, you will soon have a healthy and refreshing drink full of nutrients promoting good health that comes with a great grape and chocolaty flavor. Acai berry soda manufacturers make use of a process that ensures that you will be able to benefit from this acai berry product the same way you would with a fresh just picked from the tree acai berry fruit. It is picked atop Acai palm trees and is highly touted for its health benefits. A small yet powerfully packed berry, the Acai berry can provide us with so many health benefits and nutritional value. One reason why it has remained in the folds of South and central America for so long is that it has one drawback, an acai berry can only provide its benefits while it is freshly picked, after three days, it loses its health value. And because acai berries also contain fiber, it helps us to process our food intake. Another compound found in the acai berry is omega fatty acids, a high level at that. This in turn helps elevate the health of our heart. A vigorous heart will allow it to effectively pump blood through our body. Also, this fatty acids helps lower the blood cholesterol in our blood. 

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