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Music Instruments Song for Children (27 Instruments)


The tube, 2.79 m (9 ft 2 in) long, is bent to make a height of 1.22 m (4 ft) and consists of a metal crook on which the reed is placed and four sections of maple or pearwood: the tenor, the butt, the bass, and the bell. Bassoons in modern ensembles Two bassoons are typically required in today s symphony orchestra with the first used in solo passages. History The bugle first made its appearance in the medieval period. It was primarily constructed from a horn of a young bull and was played for military functions or for hunting. It is also considered as a predecessor of the contemporary flugelhorn. Some ancestors of the bugle are the Pless horn or Prince Pless horn, the bugle horn, and the post horn. Trompone is the Italian for sackbut and this is most probably the basis of the word trombone. At first, there were four types of trombones soprano, bass, tenor, and alto. At some period in the 19th century, trombones were constructed with valves similar to most brass instruments but this was short lived. It was primarily known as the clarinetto. Some say that the inventor was Jacob Denner while some claim that it was his father, Johann Christoph Denner. What does a clarinet need? Superior equipment is very important for the clarinet as it is for other instruments. The most important equipment of the clarinet is the mouthpiece. Compared to the saxophone s, the cone-shaped bore of the octavin has a smaller taper. Construction It has a similar shape with the bassoon with two parallel divisions attached at the base. A bell made of metal is at the top of one division and the mouthpiece is fastened to the other division s top. It is constructed with wood and the only metal section is the bell. The piano accordion which is widely used in Europe is said to be invented in 1822. Its popularity spread to Great Britain in 1831 and was renowned in The Times. The flutina by Jeune and concertina by Wheatstone are similar to each other in tone and construction but these seem to match the accordion invented by Demian. 

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