What makes magnet therapy an ideal cure, according to proponents and those who use it, is that it is natural. It does not compromise the body in the long run. However, magnetic products encourage those who would use it for the first time to consult their physician first. In addition, magnet therapy tries not only to treat the symptoms of the disease, but the root cause of the problem. Wounds and broken bones Fresh wounds heal better with the south-pointing pole. In later applications, use both poles alternately. Near the end of the process, use the north-pointing pole. Use the north-pointing end of the magnet applied above the fractures of broken bones towards the torso. A south-pointing pole may be applied opposite the north pole and below the fracture. Magnet therapy claims that the body s circulation is enhanced due to the presence of iron in the blood and thereby increasing blood flow. The last two claims declare that magnets have a positive effect on the pH balance of the cells as well as influencing hormone production. Magnet polarity One of the most obvious characteristics of a magnet is its polarity, the south (positive) and the north (negative) poles. When using magnets for pain relief, it is important to consider the gauss or the power of the magnet. For medicinal purposes, magnets with about 400 to 10,000 gauss can be used. An ordinary refrigerator magnet would have about 10 gauss, so you would no be able to use that since it lacks power. Just attach the magnet on the area where the pain is felt. (U-shaped magnets are not very good for therapy. (Short, cylindrical or bar magnets can be used.) The north-pointing pole has strengthening, stimulating qualities and overall, it gives energy. It can be used to improve weak organs of the body. The south-pointing pole withdraws energy. It can sedate people and make them relax. And more and more medical professionals are jumping on board and recommending the therapy as a complementary form of treatment. There are different kinds of magnets used in this kind of therapy. Those horse-shoe magnets that we often see in comics and cartoons are useless for magnet therapies. The most common magnets for therapeutic use are the flat ceramic magnets or at best the neodymium magnets.
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