The third group exposed their entire body to a uniform magnetic field. While the fourth group only exposed specific body parts to magnetic field. After six months, the study showed that there are positive results from patients who have exposed themselves to magnetic field. Improvement was measured based on the frequency and intensity of the pain and the number of tender points in the body. There are historical records showing the use magnetic therapy in Egyptian, Indian and Greek civilizations. With magnet therapy, the body is thought to be controlled by magnetic fields. When a body is hurt or injured, the area affected becomes loaded with positive ions. With the use of medical magnets, the positive ion from the injured area is removed, thus returning the body to its normal negative state. Applying magnetic fields to an injured area improves blood flow and oxygen which in turn enhances the body s natural healing process. With the improved blood flow and the fluid exchange to the injured tissue helps reduce pain and inflammation. Magnetic therapy today In Japan and other Asian countries, therapeutic magnets are licensed as medical devices. Usually, the type of ailment determines the type and strength of the biomagnets used in the treatment. Also considered are the following conditions: the length of time the patient had the illness, the severity, the area of the body and the patient s sensitivity. Sensitivity to magnet therapy sometimes causes light-headedness, sleepiness, headaches and itching. It is used for pain relief, reduce unwanted growths, soothe inflammations and arrest infections. Lengths of use The magnets need not be handled directly or touch the skin. It can be inside a bag, inside some wraps with the right poles facing the body. Strong magnets (those that can lift a kilo or more) may be used for one hour daily. This is why alternative treatments like the use of magnets are becoming more and more popular. Basically what the magnet does is realign or correct the electromagnetic impulses of the body which had been put into disarray the moment the body gets sick. As the theory of magnotherapy goes, each individual cell of the body generates this electromagnetic field.
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