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Magnetic therapy application of 3D pulsed magnetic field AL115-3D-combi-1


(The north-pointing end is the North Pole and the opposite should be the South Pole.) Characteristics of magnets Flat ceramic or neodymium magnets are the best therapeutic magnets. (U-shaped magnets are not very good for therapy. (Short, cylindrical or bar magnets can be used.) The north-pointing pole has strengthening, stimulating qualities and overall, it gives energy. The first use of magnets was traced in the place called Magnesia, during 2500 to 3000 BC. The Chinese have been using this kind of healing as early as 2000 years ago. Magnetic healing in Chinese medicine where used along with reflexology and acupuncture. Historical records from Egpyt, India and Greece also showed the use of magnets in healing. Taking constant medications may not only hurt your budget, it could also cause side effects. Which is why there are some patients who have arthritis, experience frequent migraines, and similar cases are on the hunt of alternative treatment. Magnet therapy is one of alternative methods of treatment. To justify the claims, there are several studies conducted on determining if magnet therapy is indeed useful in pain relief. Aside from little or no side effects, there are different studies showing that natural healing actually reap results. An example would be the use of four magnets on the back. Just place the magnets on the points below the shoulder blade and one to two inches to the side from the spine line. How effective are these methods? Nonetheless, based on the increasing number of people who use magnets as complementary treatment it would be best for them to know at least the basic Dos and Donts of magnetic therapy. As you probably already know, magnetic therapy uses the magnetic fields to help relieve pain and induce healing. The magnetic field has varying effects. The participants taped the device to one of the three different acupuncture points. The results showed statistically significant improvements in the treatment group, especially in bladder control, hand function, and muscle spasticity. Low back and knee pain Another trial (double-blind, placebo controlled) of 54 people with knee or back pain compared a complex static magnet array against a sham magnet array. 

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