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Top 10 Most Gorgeous Discus Fish in the World

And, as you can imagine, chlorine is a chemical that is not good for discus fish. Today, there are available test kits that you can use to test the water if these chemicals are present in the water and also how much of it is present in the water. Water conditioning is the process of removing these chemicals from the water. First off, many people think that discus fish are only for advanced fish keepers. They couldn t be more wrong. Taking care of discus fish is easy if you only know how to do it properly. It may be hard at first but as you get more experience, everything will become routine and easy to do. The aquarium size is one of the most important things that you need to consider. But, with some proper guidance, you will be able to start breeding Discus Fish which you can keep or you can even sell for profit. We all know for a fact that taking care of Discus Fish can get quite expensive. This is why you need to breed them especially if you are a Discus Fish enthusiast. You need to know that Discus Fish are great breeders and in some instances, you will see that they will breed in your tank without you even knowing about it. A 20 to 27 gallon aquarium would do fine. This way, you can have enough space to hold your discus fish and your aquarium ornaments and if your breeding them, future space for their spawn. Another well known secret in raising discus fish is providing them with a good diet. A good diet must be a varied diet, which can include some blood worms, beef heart, tetra pieces, and some frozen or fresh brine shrimp. They are one of the most beautiful freshwater fishes to own and they are also eye-catching. If you love discus fish, you may have considered breeding them at one point of owning them. Aside from the fact that you will be able to increase the population of beautiful and colorful discus fish in your aquarium, they can also be a source of extra income as you can sell the juvenile discus fish. You have to keep in mind that gill flukes are parasites that can destroy the gills of your discus fish. They can also cause heavy breathing and irregular swimming, which can eventually leave your discus fish totally paralyzed and sink down the bottom of the tank. To treat gill flukes, you can use formalin. 

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