So, in maintaining the water of your tank, you not only need to keep it clean, you also have to get the right pH levels and the proper temperature which will simulate the waters where the discus fish came from, which is the Amazon river. Changing the water in your tank should be done at least once or twice a week. Important Things to Consider When You re Planning to Breed Discus Fish As a pet lover or hobbyist, you know that having a discus fish in your aquarium can really add beauty to your home. They are one of the most beautiful freshwater fishes to own and they are also eye-catching. If you love discus fish, you may have considered breeding them at one point of owning them. Be sure to avoid overcrowding the aquarium, especially with this kind of fish. They will be stressed out and with high levels of stress, the more chances that your Discus Fish will get sick. This means that you have to have a large aquarium in order for you to keep Discus Fish, especially if you are planning on keeping more than two. As much as possible, you should buy an adult Discus Fish. This is highly recommended for first time owners of Discus Fish as adult Discus Fish costs lesser to maintain than juvenile ones. You need to remember that juvenile Discus Fish are far more sensitive to water quality and food quality than adult Discus Fish. So what is the best way to go about it? First off, you need to make sure that you have a pair, a male and a female discus fish, that is the most obvious part. To go about it, there are three viable options for you, but to be honest, some of these options may not be the best way to do so. Here are your options: First, is to buy young discus fish, bout six to eight of them. For a pair of discus fish, a 27 gallon tank will suffice, but if you have more pairs, then you should get a bigger one, 75 gallons will do the trick for 3 to 4 pairs of discus fish. Do give your discus fish an area in the tank for them to spawn. Discus fish lay their eggs in a flat vertical surface area at the bottom of the tank.
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