A 20 to 27 gallon aquarium would do fine. This way, you can have enough space to hold your discus fish and your aquarium ornaments and if your breeding them, future space for their spawn. Another well known secret in raising discus fish is providing them with a good diet. A good diet must be a varied diet, which can include some blood worms, beef heart, tetra pieces, and some frozen or fresh brine shrimp. By giving them the proper water condition they need to thrive, you can be sure that your discus fish will be able to live for a very long time and they will also be a lot healthier and more active. The temperature of the water must be kept stable. In their natural home, discus fish usually thrives in water with temperatures between the range of 28 and 31 degrees Celsius. Doing so will cause too much plant expansion, which will scale back the oxygen concentration inside the fish tank. You should also avoid placing the tank in areas in your home that gets too much traffic. This will simply subject your discus fish with high levels of stress, which will eventually mean that they will be more prone to sickness. Fishes tend to be fast and moving all the time. So this may cause a lot of problem. But, if you are determined to become a breeder, then use these tips to help you out. Determining the gender of your discus fish will help you to pair them equally. Too many male fishes and they tend to fight, and you may lose your fishes, too much female and then the pairing will be set off. Changing at least a quarter to half the water in the tank will suffice as long as you have a good biological filtration system installed. In some cases, some aquarists would just add some medication to clear up the dirt. This though should not be done often. As for their food, you should ask the store clerk what food they have been accustomed to. The Basic Environment for the Discus Fish When it comes to tropical fishes, many aquarists would insist that the discus fish reigns supreme. Many fresh water aquariums today wouldn t really be complete if the vibrant and soothing discus fish is not in it. Before, because of its limited supply, only a selected few would be able to get their hands on a discus fish, let alone a handful of them, luckily today, many are now able to get their hands on them, and if you re one of those lucky persons, then you should know how to provide them a good environment so that they can leave healthy and stress free.
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