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Chronic Stress, Anxiety? - You Are Your Best Doctor! | Dr. Bal Pawa | TEDxSFU

So, is it an Anxiety Attack? Because so many symptoms that are realized during an anxiety attack are similar if not exactly like those of some other kind of condition, it is almost impossible to determine if what you have been feeling is due to an anxiety attack, or another condition. This is why it’s important to see a doctor and explain your symptoms, so that your physician can run the necessary tests in determining whether you have an underlying medical condition. Other alternative and natural panic attack natural remedy choices take the form in hypnosis, acupuncture and massage therapy. Yoga or meditation can be utilized as well. There are many options out there for sufferers of panic disorder who want to take control of their treatment and find a method they are most comfortable with. They include but are not limited to: low blood sugar levels, certain heart conditions, excessive intake of caffeine, drug use, tumors (some tumors cause excess adrenaline which can lead to anxiety attacks), or an overactive thyroid gland. These conditions and others can lead to anxiety attacks and may be at the root of your problem. Fear is your body’s natural reaction to a lot of outside stimuli. It is normal for the body to react in such a way as to become anxious or fearful because this often protected our ancestors from a lot of problems and harm. It is not normal, however, for our bodies to be overtaken with fear to the point that physical symptoms begin to arise because of it. The difference between a simple attack and a full-on panic attack disorder is the length of time the symptoms persist and the gravity of the symptoms. Essentially, a panic attack disorder disrupts your life and causes you to completely revamp the way in which you go about your daily work, home life, and social life. In fact one of the things a doctor will suggest to any newly diagnosed panic sufferer will be that they cut down on their alcohol consumption. The depressing effect of alcohol can lead to more frequent occurrences of panic. It can also lead to an increased chance of causing depression, which can just cause more problems for any panic sufferer. 

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