Since they are very perishable and cannot be grown locally, as they are only found in the South American jungle, your local fruit shop or grocery is more than likely not to have them in stock. Fortunately though, Acai berries are usually formed into a powdery substance and freeze dried and is used in many weight loss products. It can be purchased in powder form to be added to any of your favorite dishes, or it can be ingested as a capsule as a supplement. One form though that many health enthusiasts have found to be refreshing and easy to ingest is in its juice form. To begin with, the acai berry fruit, as its name suggests, is a small sized berry that is tightly packed with many different types of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fatty and amino acids, and various others that greatly contributes to our body s well-being. It has a simpler process which doesn t strip off the product from all the healthy goodness that the fruit can provide. But with the pill or capsule form, the acai berry has to undergo numerous processes, such as baking, and drying, just to achieve its powdery form. This multiple process that the fruit has to undergo diminishes its capabilities of providing health benefits to the consumer. And to add another fact, studying the acai berry is very difficult as they have a very short storage life and is difficult to transport for a long period of time without losing many of its nutritional values. So if the acai berry is not viable to be consumed fresh in other parts of the world, then how can we avail of its nutritional benefits? The Acai Berry Promise A Guarantee to a Better Quality Life Even though the Acai Berry, a fruit of the Acai palm, has been grown for centuries by tribes living in the Amazon Valley, it is only now that it has been widely popular as a tremendous source for nutrients and other compounds to promote good health and well being. Well, one of the main reasons is that the medicinal properties of the acai berry deteriorate rapidly soon after it is harvested. This is why acai berries were really not feasible for exporting. However, thanks to technology, such as flash freezing and pasteurizing, people are now able to preserve the vitamins and nutrients found in acai berry in the form of supplements.
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