Many fitness clubs have started offering and including racquetball courts in their facilities. Since then, the sport has become more popular. Racquetball was featured in the Olympic Festival in the US. There are talks that racquetball would be cited and included as an Olympic competition or event in the future. For amateurs who might have forgotten how the game is played and for those who do not know how to play the game but are curious to know it and its rules, the following are the major game makeup. Single double or trio Racquetball games are played by two people against one another (singles) or four people with two for each team (doubles) and three people (cutthroat) where each one plays the other two. Clock formations From your perspective, the forehand stance would look like a one o clock position while the backhand would look like an eleven o clock position. Here is a little demonstration. Hold the racket like you are shaking hands with somebody, only that you are holding the handle of your racquet. If you are an instructor who likes to play the role of a mentor, playing racquetball at least weekly with your mentee would be an easy and instant way for you to remove any barrier between yourself and him. The main goal you should set when mentoring a racquetball player or beginner is to encourage him to get more involved into the sport. Stand parallel to the right side wall if you are doing forehand. For backhand, stand 45 degrees to the side wall. Don t forget to raise your elbow to shoulder height. (Most players always forget this.) Do not move your non-hitting arm in the opposite direction as your hitting arm. Both of them should more in the same direction. It would be really tough explaining to them the mechanics of racquetball and teaching them the main positioning and techniques in playing. It is best if you would try harder not to lose your cool. Here are some effective tips that would surely help you succeed in your endeavor. First, explain to your students the concepts of missing the ball and crowding the ball.
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