What is difficult (for all players) is to be unable to hit the ball close enough to the center of the front wall. If done badly, however, this shot will give your opponent the chance to return it big time. You need to practice this shot at all points in the court until it becomes second nature to you. Thus dedication and hard work should be given in order to mold yourself into the best competitor you can possibly become. Let s take a look at some ways in which you can raise the quality of your game. Service is important in this sport so there should be emphasis on good stroke techniques and effective ball drop. If you are an instructor who likes to play the role of a mentor, playing racquetball at least weekly with your mentee would be an easy and instant way for you to remove any barrier between yourself and him. The main goal you should set when mentoring a racquetball player or beginner is to encourage him to get more involved into the sport. Facilitate free clinics on times and days that the program would be offered (at least during initial days). During the free clinic, get members names and contact information that you may use to get in touch with them to promote your racquetball program further. 8. Use the mom network of youth programs. Furthermore, a slow ball can also cost a player a rally particularly if it hits another player due to the lack of velocity required to reach the front wall. A hit striking another player due to the actions of the other player or his partner is another no-no. Penalized hindrances can also be a cause of losing a rally. Then, swing it in a top-down motion and into a side arm movement like you are skipping a stone over water. Upper arm and shoulders Make your shoulders square, the blades pressed in, pointing your elbows at an imaginary ball in front. Then do your swing in slow motion, pulling your arm out and around with your shoulder.
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