To avoid overspending, you can buy bottles and bottle caps in cases. Better yet, these bottles can be reused over and over again as long as you make it a point to re-sterilize each bottle after every use. All you need are a good bottlebrush and a sterilizing agent (don't forget to check the expiration date though). For better liquid control, use an external pinch clamp with your siphoning tube. Bottling Equipment Unless you're storing your beer into cans, a bottling equipment will come in handy. This should include bottle cappers, bottles, caps, and bottle filling wands. Finally are a few essential tools that can help ensure that your home brewed beverage has the highest quality possible. Now if you are just new in home brewing and would like to play with specialty grains, then start with the crystal malt. You can never go wrong with these grains since these are known for mild flavor. Cara-Pils. Now these types of specialty grains can be quite tricky. The effect of these grains to the final home brew will depend on the kind of preparation and processes extended to these grains. Liquid Thermometer is necessary to measure the required temperature of cooling and heating of water as well as the brew being fermented. 6. Hydrometer is a device necessary to measure the gravity of the wort during and after the fermentation. 7. Funnel is usually used on the bottling process. 8. Cleaning tools and sanitizers are the crucial equipments needed in home brewing. Beer and wine are quite arguably the most popular among home brewers but brewers who produce cider, silju (a Finish home-brewed alcoholic beverage), ginger beer, Kumis, Sake (Japanese rice wine), Chhang (a popular Tibetan alcoholic beverage), Kvass (a Polish bread drink), mead or honey wine, and kombucha are not uncommon favorites. Let me simplify it. The history of brewing is also the history of evolution. The beers that our ancestors brew are not the same with the beers we have today. This is definite. It means to say that the product changes as well as the way (modified process) it is brewed also change. Whatever is that change, the point is it develops.
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