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5 Diet Tips for Diabetes


For example, Lacto-ovo vegetarians will avoid animal flesh yet they will eat eggs and most dairy products. A Vegan on the other hand, will avoid all food that has any trace of animal origin. Because they don't eat meet, vegetarians will often wonder how they'll get enough protein. Although you may not realize it, the average American actually consumes more protein than he actually needs. Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating When the holidays arrive, many people forget all about their diets and healthy eating. Weight gains of 7 - 10 pounds are common between Halloween and Christmas. To make the holidays easier, these tips will help you with healthy eating through the season and not gaining weight. A soup can be a great appetizer, as most are low in calories and you fill you up pretty fast. - When ordering a baked potato, ask for salsa instead of sour cream, butter, cheese, or even bacon. Salsa is very low in calories and provides a healthy alternative with plenty of flavor and spice. - When you are full, stop eating. Without the intrinsic factor, this vitamin can be absorbed. Each one of the above nutrients are needed to keep an aged body in good health. Elderly individuals should try to stay active and strive for a well balanced diet. Even though the aged body isn't the same as it used to be, proper care and the right nutrients can help the elderly enjoy a healthy and long life. Pinto beans A half cut of pinto beans offers more than 25 percent of your daily folate requirement, which protects you against heart disease. Half a cup contains 103 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 6 grams of fiber. Skim milk Skim milk offers vitamin B2, which is important for good vision and along with Vitamin A could improve allergies. You can buy several pounds this way, and freeze extras to have them when the fruit goes out of season. Wash the fruit well, remove any spoiled pieces, dry thoroughly, then freeze in plastic zipper bags. 4. Meats and beans Meats and beans are the best sources for protein. Lean meat is more expensive than meats with a lot of fat. 

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