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Healthy Eating and Cancer


Kids are most receptive to fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and even fortified breakfast cereals. 6. More fiber needs more water. In order to keep fiber moving through your digestive tract, you'll need to consume a lot of water. With your diet of fiber, you'll need eight or more glasses of water every day. Fruits Apricots Apricots contain Beta-carotene which helps to prevent radical damage and also helps to protect the eyes. A single apricot contains 17 calories, 0 fat, and one gram of fiber. You can eat them dried or soft. Mango A medium sized mango packs 57 MG of vitamin C, which is nearly your entire daily dose. If you plan to drink sugary drinks, don't go overboard - limit yourself to 1 a day. 4. Avoid thinking about diets There are no good food nor any bad foods. All food can be a part of a healthy diet, when eaten in moderation. You don't need to buy any low carb, fat free, or even diet foods, as these foods normally have lots of other added ingredients to replaces the carbohydrates or fat. There are several foods that you can eat for breakfast, even leftovers from supper if they are sufficient. You can eat bagels, pizza with fruit juice, pretzels, or the normal bacon and eggs that breakfast is known for. Most foods are a snap to prepare, and won't take you but a few minutes. The next time you are in a hurry in the morning, remember that you are probably about to skip the most important meal of the day. When you use it with cooking, you should heat it on low to medium temperatures, making sure to avoid high heat. 3. Butter Butter is one food that has been around for many, many years. Butter tastes good, and offers sources of Vitamin A and other fat soluble vitamins such as E, K, and even D. Butter is also made from natural ingredients and not chemically or artificially processed. Keeping weight off during the holiday season is burning off the extra calories. You should plan a walk after meals, park farther from stores when you shop, and take a few walks around the mall before you begin shopping. During holiday parties and at family dinners, feel free to sample foods although you shouldn't splurge. 

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