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The following are the following zones with its corresponding numerical value and its energy association. The topmost quadrants: Wealth 4: The area associated with wealth does not only mean material possessions but all those that are of value to you. Reputation 9: this is how those that you come to associate with perceive you. Having a good working knowledge of Feng shui will be of invaluable help when you choose experts, since what you know will be a good gauge in determining the level of expertise of the Feng shui consultant that you wish on your payroll. The tips and write-ups in the web is also a very good place to start as it offers the basic of Feng shui principles. This is where the Feng shui compass or the lo pan is useful. Any Feng shui design, decoration and orientation without using the Feng shui compass will only be a design preference. The orientation that are gathered and the designs and the decorations that are spent to follow a Feng shui principle will not give out its maximum effect. Orientals on the other hand are content with designs that while they are sometimes enhanced, has also endured and as unchanging and as eternal according to what nature and spirituality intends it to be. There is a basic reason for this. The oriental gardens and by extension (and as adopted) the Feng shui gardens, take into consideration, a basic respect to experiences and humility towards the natural. The Feng shui compass should also be employed, as this will indicate the most favorable position according to the eight compass directions. The information that could be derived here will enable you to find out the best orientation of the classroom and its furnishings. Other important things that should highly be considered is that the teacher must always have a line of vision that will enable him to look at all directions and a position where the back is not turned to the door. Feng Shui and Why has the Practice Persisted A belief, a system or a dogma that has existed, survived and is still in popular use is worth taking a second look. To dismiss them would simply be idiotic as many already did and have proven nothing aside from making a belief that they do not cotton into only to be advertised the more and inadvertently help its propagation. 

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