There are 24 hours in a day and so there are 24 main divisions. A Feng shui's time frame of effectivity is about 20 years. Multiply that and factor in the number of different floor plan layouts and your answer to different Feng shui house types is actually infinite. Again there are no fixed cures; this is why the Feng shui compass is very important. Again, speaking of principles, Feng shui is basically attracting nature's positive forces so that the person is more oriented to it and uses its symbols in a way that will be most beneficial to his requirements. The most powerful of these and most widely in use are symbols for wealth, health, and happiness and long life. To enhance the roles, another option for a Feng shui office layout is to direct the sitting and table orientation of the staff according to the direction that are conducive to maximizing good Feng shui. In this Feng shui office layout, the managers will be facing the wealth direction or the Sheng chi. There are two opposing line of thoughts regarding a Feng shui mirror. Mainly it lies between whether a Feng shui mirror is a cure or not. For people that contend that it is a cure, they believe that illuminating the house evenly is important in managing the chi. To leave a dark spot in the home and its perimeter would be compromising the chi's distribution. While it is often best to have a rectangular bedroom, there will always be the personal preference of the occupant. If the room happens to be irregular in shape, screen dividers that signify good fortune are often employed. The fun thing though is that, often these screen dividers will be placed in such a way that the configuration of the room will be altered to a semblance rectangularity. This is also the best spot for furniture that encourages family gathering and reunions and pep talks. Symbols and materials made of wood will sit very nicely here. Limit if not outright avoid the use of metallic objects and those made from metals. The southeast is where the energy that ushers in prosperity and wealth is the strongest of all compass points.
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