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Le plan de la maison en feng shui !

One thing is sure, one never argues with success. You can find other tips in other pages of these articles in the practice of Feng shui and determine for yourself those that are directly applicable as it relates to scientific basis. For now though, Feng shui principles, will be discussed. To find your place on this earth, and how you relate to the forces and motivations that guides and inspire you, you will have to know the following: From your standpoint, determine the four main points of the compass and its four corresponding sub points. Aside from the general layout of the Feng shui office, symbols that represent the bringing in of wealth are also integrated in the Feng shui office design. Avoiding the poison arrows. The poison arrows are more likely to be found in cramped office spaces but nonetheless has to be checked out and avoided at all cost. If you find that the luck that you are getting is not too favorable, adjust and reposition the fish tank or the water fountain every four months or so until you get the results that you want. Children should not be allowed to sleep on mattresses on the floor. It will always be healthier to sleep on beds that have spaces beneath where the air could freely circulate and open those windows. Too much of it could also generate confusion and conflicts. The reputation and fame zones should also have the red color. Above anything else, the color red stands for power, virtue and truth. This is a place of fire so you could place symbols here that represent it. This is also the best corner to your fireplace and candle decorations. As with everything else, the more a person knows about things, the more humble and better that person becomes knowing full well that there are myriad of mysteries that are still beyond grasps and many things that are to be improved and subtleties to be employed. Before employing the Feng shui consultant that is already on the top of your list, ask around. Because of this, European gardens would tend to be a statement of achievement in all its manipulated grandeur while a Chinese garden would be more spiritual and more in the flow of the landscape, not seeking primarily to improve it as to breath the natural experiences from it. This is why a European garden will have geometrical lines, straight lines and sharp angles cut into it while an oriental garden will have none of it. 

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