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2. Le Centre de l'Habitation - Feng Shui Authentique - Sara Giunta

Its main use is only to bounce a light. As this is a property of a mirror that is not controversial, let us hold this then a source by which a mirror could be used as an important aid in the practice of Feng shui. Even distribution of light inside the house and appropriate illumination, is a very important component of Feng shui. Guidelines in Buying a Feng Shui House Even for the mind that is trained in western thought, the environment is one of the key factors that greatly affects the development of the individual, and everything could be explained. This is also very true with Feng shui although it goes a step more than just what is outright tangible and explainable. The partnership zone is a place in the house that is most conducive to romance and marriage, partnerships and growth. Lavish the room with pink. The family zone and health area, this may yet be another of your favorite rooms. This is a place for family activities, a place to go back to your roots, rejuvenation and reminiscing. Feng Shui Principle It is not clear when did the principles of Feng shui start. Its development has been going on for centuries and has been applied countless times in China and today, in many places in the world. One thing is clear though, Feng shui applies principles and practices, many of which could be scientifically proven, and is continuously gaining popularity. The best indicator to harmonize with these fields is the bagua map. What does the bagua tells you according to the different zones in a space. The indicators must be followed so that you are in harmony with the environment and the forces around you. The bagua map as applied to a classroom brings similar results. To think that a good Feng shui life and guidance should start from a Feng shui consultant may to say the least, be taken with caution. This is where Feng shui life could start and draw its greatest effect. The Feng shui consultant that is about to lead you into the life of Feng shui should be above reproach and you could easily know this by the successes that have been accomplished before. 

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