Your zones could change but your kua number does not. The following are kua numbers and the directions that they are most appropriate in gathering the chi that is generated by your surroundings. For persons with kua number that is equivalent to 1 the southeast is your sheng chi direction. Choose a room within the house that is located in this direction where you can conduct income-related activity. While it is true that there are eight basic compass direction, a Feng shui compass reading goes far beyond that. For example, a Feng shui reading is dependent on time. There are 24 hours in a day and so there are 24 main divisions. A Feng shui's time frame of effectivity is about 20 years. Multiply that and factor in the number of different floor plan layouts and your answer to different Feng shui house types is actually infinite. The oriental gardens and by extension (and as adopted) the Feng shui gardens, take into consideration, a basic respect to experiences and humility towards the natural. Neither too ideal nor too religious as to place these precepts above the now and the real life, as they know it, they have better ability to conform more naturally to their environment. Beneath that should be a bed sheet that has a softer hue to encourage rest when the activities are done. When the activity in the bedroom is done not in the bed, the corners where one chooses to work most should adopt more vibrant colors. Colors make statements. It could signify love, peace, tranquility, boldness, creativity etc. There will always be the skeptics and believe me, they have had their share of helping issues to be advertised freely and more forcefully since once they have committed their emotions into fighting against one; it happens that they become even more vocal than the adherents. It is true with religions, ideologies, new inventions and discoveries and yes, even Feng shui. One thing is clear though, Feng shui applies principles and practices, many of which could be scientifically proven, and is continuously gaining popularity. When Feng shui was first heard in the west, it was dismissed as a collection of mumbo jumbo and superstition that has no solid foundation or basis.
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