When you are at the office and you are a manager or have a position that has to do with finance, insist on these positions. The only glitch though is when your superior treats Feng shui as nothing more than superstitious gobbledygook. Then don't tell. The point will not sink in. Nonetheless, for your own and your position at the office's sake, try to insist in the positions that are indicated by your kua number. So before choosing a paint to color the walls of the bedroom, Feng shui bedroom coloring will tend to consider the temperament of the occupant. For some, bedrooms are mostly places to rest and sleep. If this were the case soft color that is conducive to rest like blues, soft greens and pastel colors could be chosen. Keeping them in the house adds so much to clutter. It is in this area where many people will have difficulty in doing. Usually people keep things believing that they will use it at a later date. In reality though, those things that were kept for "later use" but has never been used for at least six months will never see the light of day again. Besides, it is not that easy to part with good money on matters that you may still have doubts about. People who have a good working knowledge of Feng shui will need no more egging on, they know. Still, for the uninitiated, Feng shui crystal is a good and inexpensive starting point to feed that curiosity. For some it would mean very little and with the passage of time it will amount to nothing. While it is true that there are eight basic compass direction, a Feng shui compass reading goes far beyond that. For example, a Feng shui reading is dependent on time. There are 24 hours in a day and so there are 24 main divisions. As with everything else, the more a person knows about things, the more humble and better that person becomes knowing full well that there are myriad of mysteries that are still beyond grasps and many things that are to be improved and subtleties to be employed. Before employing the Feng shui consultant that is already on the top of your list, ask around.
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