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CIBIL Score - Credit Score Explained in Hindi

While owning a credit card offers its benefits, the sad thing is that if you don t use a credit card responsibly, you could face a soaring mountain of debt, which can help to taint, or entirely mangle, your credit score. Here are five innovative ways for repairing your credit card debt. Pay Your Bills On Time Each time you use your credit card for making various purchases, always remember to pay your bills in full each time they come due. Creditors are in business because they earn a profit from their lending services, and if you don t pay your debts, the creditor will also feel the pinch, and his bottom line gets hurt as well. It would be better if you sit down and negotiate with your creditors, since most of them are willing to understand your difficult financial condition, and may be more than willing to offer an easy way out of your financial mess. When Making Inquiries, Check Your Credit Report With A Fine Comb According to most credit experts, a lot of people often check out their credit report every month. However, the sad thing is that whenever they check the report, they don't look at the finer details, and usually don't check the report for any errors, or any inconsistencies and flaws in the data entered. 300 499 Bad Credit 500 580 Poor Credit 580 619 Low Credit 620 679 Average Credit 680 699 Good Credit 700 850 Excellent Credit Regularly Monitor Your Credit Score According to credit experts, a good to excellent credit score is often weighed as a future sign of your credit value, and if your credit score is Good, then your future loan s interest rates will certainly be lower than usual. However, a person cannot simply wish to receive credit as they please, because they will need to apply for it, and most credit companies also take a closer look at a person s credit report, to see if they are truly credit-worthy, and know how to manage their finances well. Here are the five basic elements of a credit report. For example, if a collection agency reports that you weren't able to pay overdue parking tickets or library fines, this could make your credit score drop by as much as 100 points. Ensure that you pay your library fines or parking tickets on time, because you won't know when they send these bills to the collection agencies. 

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