To restore your credit worthiness, you will need to add new trade lines to your report, as well as take on other forms of credit, like a small appliance loan, so that your credit score will not stagnate. Late, Or Missing Payments Credit scores generally monitor how a person manages his or her current and past credit obligations and payments. However, bankruptcy surely doesn't mean it's the end of the world for you. While bankruptcy can have a major effect on your credit score, it won't mean that you'll never be able to avail of credit again. While the recovery process may be quite long and stressful, and sometimes you ll only be left with nothing with your shirt on your back, or your pants and shoes, there is always light at the end of the dark tunnel. With the mortgage crisis still lingering in the midst, and with interest rates continuing to soar, many are thinking of better ways for keeping their finances afloat during these dark economic times. Here are five surefire tips for keeping your credit afloat during a crisis. Keep Your Credit Score High One of the best defenses during a crippling economic crisis is by keeping your credit score high. Continually Keep Your Accounts Active Most creditors and lending agencies would rather prefer to see a verifiable credit history on their clients. If you wish to pay all your outstanding balances, and close all your accounts, your creditors won t be able to determine if you re in good financial standing, or if you re paying your balances on time. Also keep your card at a maximum charge level of 30 percent, and pay them off at the end of the month. By keeping your card s charge levels low and manageable, you re actually showing restraint and responsibility, and you re keeping your credit score high as well. Stick To Your Budgets The best way for steering clear of mounting credit card debt, is by drafting a budget that s consistent with spending within your budget. Unpaid Library Fines And Parking Tickets Even small stuff such as an unpaid $25 library fine or $50 parking ticket, can inflict a painful pinch on your overall credit score. Today, most municipal and city governments are turning to collection agencies to salvage hese unpaid bills, especially if your dilly-dally on repaying them.
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