While a number of firms track business profiles, the main business profile tracker is the Paydex system, which works like the FICO score for personal credit score. Why Monitoring The Credit Report Is Important For Small Business Owners One of the most important aspects that aspiring business owners needs to do, is monitor their credit report. If you have debts with former creditors, make sure that you work out a full settlement with them, and guarantee that what s accomplished between you and your creditor does not get reported elsewhere. Not Having a Credit Score According to credit experts, many people today still don t have their own credit score. Keep Your Credit Card Debt Ratio To Manageable Levels Always remember to keep your credit card balance paid off on a monthly basis. Also keep your card at a maximum charge level of 30 percent, and pay them off at the end of the month. By keeping your card s charge levels low and manageable, you re actually showing restraint and responsibility, and you re keeping your credit score high as well. - Credit monitoring services quickly notify you of any activity in your account. You ll also be able to immediately notice if ever there are any inconsistencies, inaccuracies or flaws within your report. By immediately finding out any numerical or typographical errors, this allows you to quickly file disputes to correct any inaccuracies. Don't Ask For A Higher Limit From Your Credit Card Company If you have a credit card, don't be tempted to call your credit card company and ask for a higher limit, because this can help ruin your credit score. Next, don't open any extra credit card accounts, because by having an extra credit card, or by canceling the other one, you can do major damage to your credit history. 5 Ways to Protect A Good Credit Score Credit has been tough to obtain these days, especially with a moribund real estate industry, and a lingering recession that s continuing to do a lot of damage to investor and consumer confidence. Whether you want to buy a new home or car, or wish to avail of a personal or student loan, it pays to have a good credit score.
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