If you want to get custody of your child, follow these tips to win the custody battle. Avoid exposing your children to unhealthy or harmful environments when they are with you. Do you have an affair with another person? Make sure that your children are not exposed to overt displays of affection. Most courts oppose to children being exposed to other relationships too early. Some courts consider homosexual relationships in the same manner as non-marital heterosexual relationships. Other courts may view that being in a homosexual relationship may affect a person s parenting skills. Regardless of the views of the state regarding homosexuality, a parent in such a relationship will gain custody as long as he or she does not expose the child to same-sex display of affection. These preferences can affect the court decision as to who will get the custody of the child. However, it still depends on the state where the case is being heard. Under particular circumstances, some states allow the child to have a say in the hearings. In other states, the courts have the discretion to determine how much relevance it will put on the child s preference regarding his or her custody. The answers are collated responses from some child custody lawyers. Child custody laws are not the same in all the states in the U.S. The following answers are mostly in general terms inasmuch as they apply and/or recognized by the courts all over the country. What is custody? Custody means who is responsible for the children in cases when their parents do not live together. This feels like it since you won t be able to be with your child the way you want to be since legal restrictions get in the way. Nobody can blame the parents who have loss custody of their kids if they will feel bitter, angry, depressed and anxious upon learning that after the painful process of fighting for child custody, all your efforts will be thrown at the window. Experts say that diagnosis has been made by the psychologist is crucial for a parent who lost a child custody case. This is because the person who has depression can now start with treatments depending in the severity of the anxiety caused by the event in his or her life. Nowadays, the most common treatment options available in overcoming severe depression caused by traumatic evens such as losing a child custody case would be drug therapy, natural remedies, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and relaxation techniques.
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