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Treatments Options For Anxiety After Losing A Child Custody Case Today, with modern technology and continuous advancement in research, coping with painful experiences such as losing a child custody case could be fast and easy. All one needs to do is to gather enough willpower to face his or her fear and the willingness to overcome that fear no matter what it takes. Another best way to cope is that request is you can visit your child regularly. Majority of family court judges are hesitant to reject any parent s request to regular see their kids despite losing the child custody case. Also, you can focus your attention on the factor that has caused the custody to be given to the other parent. Usually, courts depend on a psychologist s expert testimony, which evaluates options for custody rights by examining a number of important factors. Some of the factors that a judge looks into when deciding custody rights include the age of the child, past behavior of the parents at home, preference of the child on who will take care of him or her, stability of the parents home, the amount of time a parent can devote for taking care of the child, and the parents ability to finance the child s needs. In others, the children declare preference in living with their fathers. In cases where there a deadlock and the courts do the deciding, fathers prove to be the more emotionally stable parent. They present to the court their better abilities in providing better living environment for their children. In other circumstances, the mothers are sometimes unable to afford the expenses of a protracted custody battle, or are set in pursuing a career for themselves, or some other reasons. How the Courts Resolve Child Custody Disputes In divorce courts, disputes on child custody and visitation rights are common. When disputing such issues, you need to know and understand a few things to avoid further conflicts. In any custody battle, the court decides which parent must get custody according to the best interests of the child. On the other hand, voluntary child support payment from the unmarried father without the paternity finding is on shaky grounds. If the father decides later to stop paying voluntarily, the unmarried mother cannot do anything. Rights of unmarried fathers Legally, the unmarried father faces an uphill battle in trying to gain access to his child. 

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