They are also effective in cleaning your teeth naturally. And since prevention is proven better than cure, stay away certain foods that can cause bad breath like onion and garlic. 7. Let the dentist fix your problem teeth. Plaque, tartar, and cavities can all lead to bad breath. So make sure you go to the dentist and have them all removed/fixed/treated. Among these are the myrrh, tea tree oil, caraway, clove, bloodroot and sage. If, however, you are more of the health conscious person you could try to intensify your vitamin intake. Since bad breath roots from bacterial production in the mouth, you should focus on vitamins that could hamper the production of these microorganisms. These include canker sores, upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, mononucleosis, tonsillitis, strep throat, nasal discharge, and sinusitis. Nasal infection or colds can force someone to breathe through his mouth which quickly dries the mouth and cause bacteria to breed. Internal organ failures can manifest themselves through bad breath. (Chewing increases saliva production and flow, thus chewing also helps cure bad breath.) Aloe vera on the other hand can be made as mouthwash. Mix 2 tsp. of aloe vera juice to 24 ounces of water and gurgle it in your mouth. Cloves, cinnamon, myrrh, rosemary, basil, thyme, and mint leaves are chewed to cure bad breath. It s a sad thing though that still, many adults are under the process of purgation towards their way for heavenly smelling breath. It's worth repeating that the major cause of bad breath is the decay of a teeth or unfortunately, the host of them. These play as good breeding grounds along with the spaces between them, for the anaerobic bacteria that produce VSCs. While there may be a high variability in terms of causes, they still all boil down towards the oral bacteria that thrive inside our mouths. There are also foods and beverages that could cause bad breathe. Some of these food work by leaving trace odors inside the mouth while others would promote higher acidity level.
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