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Must-Know Tips for Adopting a Dog

Like people, dogs need grooming, training, exercising, caring aside from food and shelter. Other expenses are also incurred when the dog is ill. Puppies even cost more to care than large full-grown dogs. - Too many times, a dog is claimed to relieve stress because of their loving presence and loyal nature. These are much easier to train because they haven t developed bad habits yet. Puppies can grow with their kids. And so on. Wrong. Not because you are working with a clean slate does it mean that a puppy will not turn out as a piece of work. Unless you are adopting a puppy that has been sheltered by a rescue group or one that can be taken directly from its original owner, you should be wary about adopting a very young dog. Check out the puppy's breed. The puppy's breed often determines its general trait when it's fully grown. What you want is a breed that matches your personality. If you are the type of person who loves to go out, you should get a breed that is good for outdoor activities. If you just want a dog for long-term companionship, you should look for mid-sized companion dogs. When the dog is panting hard and the eyes are getting red, it is a sign that the dog is exerting too much pressure on his neck. Rest for a while. If the dog refuses, take him back to your yard to prevent injury. On subsequent walks, if you notice that your dog gets very excited at the site of other dogs, cats, squirrels, rest, and sit for a while. One of the downside to having a companion dog is that because of their size, they are vulnerable to larger animals. When you are located in areas where winters could be very cold, you would want to consider companion dog breeds that are fluffy or are longhaired. The benefits far outweighs the risk though as these dogs are content to follow wherever their owners go, are very easy going, and are content to sit with their owners for long periods of time. When you are trough playing with the puppy, go to the spot. When the puppy has finished eating, go to the spot. Every two hours after that, go to the same spot. Sooner or later, the puppy will get the idea. All it takes is patience and how ready you are because bringing home a new dog to the house will take responsibility. 

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