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Musician's adopting a dog

Aside from that, they are very territorial and would protect it without second thoughts once they perceive that the territory that they are tasked to guard against intruders are violated. The Boerboel These dogs are bred solely for protecting the home. Very aggressive, powerful, and intelligent, this dog breeds have strong guarding instinct and would not be unwilling to demonstrate it any day that its capabilities are challenged. Roughhouse and tug of war are some of the most popular examples. When the dog starts to nip, it is a signal that the dog have had enough, let the dog rest and do not allow another occasion to reach that point as it also teaches the dog to become dominant. Likewise, do not allow nor encourage wild behavior. Better yet, attach the leash while the pup is eating. The idea is to attach the leash the first time associating it with happy occasion or at least occasions that are non- threatening. As much as possible, the leash must never be attached to the dog in ways that will be interpreted as punishment, at least not during the first few times. These keep tabs of their dogs' history and the dogs' previous owners. So if you are interested in knowing the conditions from where the dog you are planning to adopt came from, a rescue group is the best place for you to begin your search. On top of these, rescue groups are very specific about the breeds they accept. Docile Dogs are typically obedient dogs. Quiet Dogs are dog breeds that rarely bark and are good for people who live in apartments and places where noise has to be kept low. While these traits or at least a good mix of them are found in most dogs, the characteristics are dominant to particular breeds. Having said that, mature dogs in animal shelters are the ideal dogs to consider for adoption. You already have everything you need to know about the potential dog. Well, almost. How Much Dog Activity Can You Handle? Some dogs are content with nibbling your shoes; others need more than rough exercise. 

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